Pluto’s Gate

(c) 2014, Robyn LaRue
(c) 2014, Robyn LaRue


Apologies for the delay.  I just noticed that this Bucket List item did not automatically post this morning.   I pray that I do not catch anyone’s wrath…


The location in today’s post is not especially horrific, but I find it incredibly fascinating.

In 2013, archaeologist uncovered a cave to what they believe is a gateway to hell in Turkey.  Known as Pluto’s Gate (or The Plutonion of Hierapolis), the site is located in the ancient city of Hierapolis, which is now know as Pamukkale.

The site, while in its infancy of research, could potentially hold a history bathed in torture and sacrificial rites.  The peculiarity of Pluto’s Gate is that the opening of the site is filled with mephitic vapors that are extremely lethal.

Strabo, a Greek geographer (64 BC – 24 AD) explained, “ This space is full of vapor so misty and dense that one can scarcely see the ground.  Any animal that passes inside meets instant death.  I threw in sparrows and they immediately breathed their last breath and fell.”

The archaeologists uncovered the ruin while reconstructing a route to a thermal spring.  They believe that the Pamukkale’s springs originated from this cave.  Around the cave ruins are steps where specters would have sat an watch sacrificial rites, but keeping distance to the opening for the fumes would kill any who breathed in the carbon dioxide gasses.  However, pilgrims who were devoted to the lord of the underworld were given the gifts of small birds to take into the cave.  Current research of antiquity has not yet uncovered if those pilgrims ever returned.

Strabo claimed that the eunuchs of Cybele (an ancient fertility goddess) were able to enter the cave, through the fumes, unaffected.  He added that they held their breath as long as possible and potentially gained immunity from their “menomation [sic]”, “divine providence”, or “certain physical powers that are antidotes against the vapor”.

An interesting place to visit.  However, I do not think I will make my way into the cave should I ever happen upon the The Plutonion of Hierapolis.


"Plutonium-2" by Ömerulusoy - Own work. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons -
“Plutonium-2” by Ömerulusoy – Own work. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons –

10 responses to “Pluto’s Gate”

  1. I love these posts! These places are all so fascinating.


  2. A truly fascinating site, but I’m with you – not one on my travel list. I enjoy your posts enormously!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks again, Noelle! These old ancient ruins are extraordinary.


  3. I featured one of these caves to the underworld in a story once, but I’ve never felt a desire to visit one until now. Suddenly I’m even more intrigued.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That sounds like my kind of story!

      I am hoping one day this site is open to tourists, if it is not already. It would be an interesting expedition. I have not yet found if there were still gasses escaping from the cave.


  4. I love it. So much mystery. And madness. And horror. The ancient people were so weird.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ah, but in their day of age, they were “normal”. Ancient people would probably look upon our lives today – our technologies – and think that we are weird 😉 They would probably say, “You modern people can’t even go to the bathroom without your phone/ipad/laptop in hand? That’s disgusting!”

      Hmm… I think there is an interesting story in that.


      1. Definitely they’ll think we’re weird.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. But it is so fun being weird 😉


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