It’s Alive!

Well, my sabbatical went a little longer than expected. ย I apologize for that. ย 2015 has not been very kind. ย Hoping that with the seasonal transition to Spring I can rebloom and get back to the old writing habit.

I wish I could provide you all with an update on how the novel is progressing. ย It still lies at the halfway point. ย I am going to be optimisticย and say the first draftย is halfway done instead of halfway started. ย  Starting this week, I am going to make a slightย change to the blog. ย As you all know I also blog for The Sarcastic Museย every Wednesday. ย That schedule will remain in place along with the Thursday posts here. ย The “Before I die… Bucket List for the Macabre” will be dropping to every other Monday starting in May. ย Unfortunately, I was spending more timeย researching weird and sinister places than actually working onย stories forย publication. ย If only humans didn’t need to sleep…

Author Robyn LaRue has been helpingย me get back on the writing track. ย I am sort of her test subject at the moment for The Writing Habit. ย I’m not quite sure how I feel about being the “guinea pig” for once. ย Usually I’mย the one in the lab coat with the scalpel. ย As long as my brain or fingernailsย don’t end up in specimen jars all is well. ย If you are interested in what she is up to, sendย me a message. ย If I don’t respond, that means I am dead in theย meat locker in her basement.

So stay tuned as there is more mischief, mayhem, and macabre on the way!

10 responses to “It’s Alive!”

  1. If we don’t hear from you soon, we’ll add Robin’s place the the bucket list. Good to see you back. I look forward to whatever you have to offer, whenever it works.


    1. I just have one word about Robyn’s basement: Beware! And thanks Dan – so happy to be back!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I completely understand and can appreciate the black hole that researching sucks us into as writers. So much so that you feel like you are doing well to formulate more content, only to look back and realize you haven’t been writing. And Robyn’s stuff has certainly been helping me too! Glad to see you back in the mix Amanda ๐Ÿ˜‰


    1. Research always sucks me in and I lose track of time.

      Robyn has been doing some amazing things to help writer’s get into the writing habit. I am so happy that she is out there blogging about it!

      Glad to be back ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks, Dave!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Your words and thoughts are welcome sight. And I refuse to accept your apology because no apology is called for. As someone who is himself a bit stuck in early-mid project, l sympathize with your situation, and I wish you a speedy breakthrough and strong winds to fill your sails from here on.


    1. Thanks, M.A! Getting stuck on a project is such an awful experience. Hopefully we all have full sails from now on.


  4. I have a basement? Cool! I’ll have to make use of it for sure, muwahaha. And I don’t bite. That would be too easy. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You can borrow some equipment from my lab ๐Ÿ˜‰

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